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Full Version: Wraithlord Definitely Sucks
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Oh you don't want my opion in this matter.......


Shouldn't moderators be literate?
dru suck's more than wraith by a long shoot. at least wraith mods everyone, unlike dru who's to bussy suckin a horse instead of modding marlo and propoho.


(2009.Dec.27 06:28 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]dru suck's more than wraith by a long shoot. at least wraith mods everyone, unlike dru who's to bussy suckin a horse instead of modding marlo and propoho.

Please don't forget that you, also, suck.
Careful there Marlo...

Oh yea, and stay out of Midlan!
(2009.Dec.27 07:22 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.27 06:28 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]dru suck's more than wraith by a long shoot. at least wraith mods everyone, unlike dru who's to bussy suckin a horse instead of modding marlo and propoho.

Please don't forget that you, also, suck.

relax man. i will never reach your level of perfection. i am eons away from that
(2009.Dec.27 07:36 PM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]Careful there Marlo...

Oh yea, and stay out of Midlan!

HAHA.... go thrill!
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