Based on some allegations that Wraithlord sucks I will give 50K to the person that can best answer the following question.
Why does Wraithlord suck more than any other mod in the Hx of AL?
The best answer get the cash........One entry per contestant......Contest ends in 48 hrs.
Sorry.....Hx means history.
He really needs the cash. Sucking is a family business I've heard and well damn straight if it wasnt the best $1 I ever spent!

You suck because you're like Indiana with the Colts; Bandwagon from hell with little backbone beforehand. Never getting anywhere great because you fall short every time except for one time, and that one time getting everyone on your balls.
1 more whiner tread. And you guys complain about other people whinning
As far as I'm concerned wraithlord is a stand up guy but for fifty k I'll say this- by trying to be way too fair as a mod he places himself in positions that actually make him seem like he's biased when in fact he's not- but few see that since all they think is that mods are out to get them. Ok wraith, send over the fifty now!
(2009.Dec.24 06:28 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]THIS POST WAS MODIFIED BY DRUCHII
to be fair, all he did was take out a four letter word in the original post. i could be wrong, but it seems like druchii has backed off a tad...if so, i thank him.
(2009.Dec.26 12:43 AM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]meh i think if SW came down on me again SV would stay out of it. never know though
huh? and yeah, right.
People have been good posters and kept themselves within the rules, so no reason for me to do much.
And no one has been modding poptarts posts, it's just one of his jokes.

i just love how when i first looked at this thread, half of the posts were modified by u, dru. i was like... lame

i didnt get to read any of it. no fair.
(2009.Dec.26 12:47 AM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Based on some allegations that Wraithlord sucks I will give 50K to the person that can best answer the following question.
Why does Wraithlord suck more than any other mod in the Hx of AL?
The best answer get the cash........One entry per contestant......Contest ends in 48 hrs.
Sorry.....Hx means history.
You wear sandals with socks, bluejean shorts aka jorts, big oakley sunglasses and have a state trooper mustache while you ARE modDING our threads. Therefore given all those facts, YOU SUCK!!!!
I'll take my 50K in 1's
because you are the only Mod, and probably the only player over level 15 that sends a questioning WTF mail when being hit at 20 minutes offline-Reaching level 46 having no clue how the game works is bad-trying to add the mod title is obviously too much for you to handle