2009.Dec.27, 11:15 PM
2009.Dec.27, 11:21 PM
(2009.Dec.27 11:15 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]Because you cackling hens obviously didn't hear me the first time.
We're not going to agree. I'm fine with that. Let's let it go.
i did hear you
and i do agree we disagree
how ever you're not the only blockhead to be like that. the game needs to evolve period. you picked you career as it pays the most. others did it for stats or war advantages. we all live with out choices. how ever the bloody game needs to evolve. people complain it's boring. but the same people complain every time something that would require them to work is introduces and they want it for free cause "it wasn't around in their days"
i don't give a shit. in rl what do you do if you pick the wrong job? you either make the best of it or start over. same thing applies here. you make your picks with the information available at a given time. that does not how ever means that the situation will never change.
2009.Dec.28, 01:55 AM
(2009.Dec.23 05:53 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]I think if it was implemented in a way like the skills were - maybe it would work. But throwing it in there with people that would already automatically be given the skill really isn't fair to anyone.
OK i dont agree with anything that u said b4 this part but this ^^ REALLY ticked me off....
You're whining about what may or may not be FAIR? Are you kidding? He is suggesting a passive skill for ALL accounts not just constructrution which btw was like the last thing he mentioned. Why shouldnt the ppl who have spent months and/or years have a leg up on those of you who didnt? What makes you so friggin special?
IF i'm working real fn hard at a job I expect a damn promotion and if I don't for some reason get it I dont run after my Boss screaming that its not fair... I go find a better job

Shit go whine to your bartender about whats fair or not.
I'm getting really sick and tired of you newer people screaming about what is fair and what is not. I think those of us who have worked our arse off to get where we are should get a bloody leg up for a change. What the hell have we been training our careers for?
2009.Dec.28, 02:47 AM
I for one would love such an addon to the game, and if would be sad if nay sayers would get their will, because they aren't handed out the best for free. Cause sadly chances are that all passive skills wouldn't be equal. That doesn't mean however that it isn't a great addition to the game.
2009.Dec.28, 08:24 AM
I'm too new to have access to passives anyway, but I support them (coolness > balance). I'd suggest scaling passives instead of set points though. For example, instead of a 5% happiness boost at 20 construction, give a 0.5% per level of construction above 10.
2009.Dec.28, 10:50 AM
(2009.Dec.28 01:55 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]OK i dont agree with anything that u said b4 this part but this ^^ REALLY ticked me off....
You're whining about what may or may not be FAIR? Are you kidding? He is suggesting a passive skill for ALL accounts not just constructrution which btw was like the last thing he mentioned. Why shouldnt the ppl who have spent months and/or years have a leg up on those of you who didnt? What makes you so friggin special?
IF i'm working real fn hard at a job I expect a damn promotion and if I don't for some reason get it I dont run after my Boss screaming that its not fair... I go find a better job
drek go whine to your bartender about whats fair or not.
I see why your granny-panties are in a bunch because you are #2 in the POI in construction... but holy crap you're pretty short sided. My examples were all generic and interchangeable... My goodness you're dumb sometimes.
I agree with parts of what you said, Howl. Seems like all the blood in your body has rushed to your arse because of your extended stay on bed rest. Let's stand up for a minute and let the blood circulate before I type what I'm about to.
(Go ahead... I'll wait a minute.)
I understand that every career would have a skill associated with it. My point was this:
Say you (Howl) are a super high-level construction person (which you are). And (I used construction as a "for instance" earlier - any career can be interchangeable) politics level 10 (which already had people at level 10) was given a permanent skill that was AWESOME. Something you'd really like - like a biotch bullhorn to attack with. All foes that got hit with your bullhorn... their ears would explode due to the shrill intensity of the voice that was being amplified.
Terrifying, right? Something up your alley right?
Well... you can use it next year because you have to get to level 10 in politics to get it. Your years of hard work at construction (and whatever skill associated with it - maybe it sucks maybe it doesn't) are for not because you NEED that shrill horn. You see this horn as something that defines you. It will complete you. Your skill in construction is cool - but this horn. Holy shit this horn.
Any career I used in my description was interchangeable do you understand that?
Would if the best new skill to be given to people was given to manufacturers (which I am pretty high in). Would that be fair? Would you be pissed because your years of hard work were suddenly for not because I now got your awesome horn as a manufacturer?
Which leads me to my next point...
(2009.Dec.28 01:55 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]I'm getting really sick and tired of you newer people screaming about what is fair and what is not. I think those of us who have worked our arse off to get where we are should get a bloody leg up for a change. What the hell have we been training our careers for?
When does this stupid sense of entitlement stop? Mathematically you'll always be older than me (both in RL and AL). That will never change. It's math.
Who cares if you're 90 in RL or 4 in AL. When does the disparity not mean anything to you anymore? A year? Two years? Seventy five years?
The only reason you're whining is because I used construction as an example and you're high in construction. You're so selfish that if I had said "athletics" instead you would have kept your huge mouth shut.
You do have a leg up. You're much bigger/stronger/capable AL characters than we are.
I'll probably never beat you in a fight. You're a level 57, I'm 31. That's your leg up. You quit whining about being old and entitled. Your skills dwarf mine - and probably always will.
You can't expect the game to continue giving you stuff "because you're old and you feel entitled". This is a game for level 1's as it is for level 30's as it is for level 70's. We all exist in this AL universe - not just you. The disparity of strength between you old people and the rest of us cannot be widened. It'll kill the game.
2009.Dec.28, 11:22 AM
I am offended that you even mentioned athletics!
2009.Dec.28, 12:50 PM
to long since my last post, Foley please, again, summarize...i just dont feel like reading a shit ton of stuff haha....
2009.Dec.28, 12:52 PM
Well NastyFo asked for people to stop disagreeing with him specifically, then DW and Howl disagreed with him. So he posted that really long thing that didnt make much sense something about him having a horn.
2009.Dec.28, 12:56 PM
(2009.Dec.28 12:52 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Well NastyFo asked for people to stop disagreeing with him specifically, then DW and Howl disagreed with him. So he posted that really long thing that didnt make much sense something about him having a horn.
haha thanks
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