(2009.Dec.21 11:50 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Take accusations and whatever evidence of cheating you have to Err or Zenith, they are not to be waved around with in the forum.
That's his problem, there IS no evidence, bc there is no cheating.
Some people just can't deal with the fact that a husband and wife can play this game together! I know of a few other couples that do, but I'm guessing his wife/girlfriend/or blow up doll, bitches at him for his time online. So he takes that out in the forums, on couples who can TRULY play together....in all sense of the term!
(2009.Dec.22 12:14 AM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.21 11:50 PM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Take accusations and whatever evidence of cheating you have to Err or Zenith, they are not to be waved around with in the forum.
That's his problem, there IS no evidence, bc there is no cheating.
Some people just can't deal with the fact that a husband and wife can play this game together! I know of a few other couples that do, but I'm guessing his wife/girlfriend/or blow up doll, bitches at him for his time online. So he takes that out in the forums, on couples who can TRULY play together....in all sense of the term!
Watch out for karma, its a bitch

yes, I've met Ush's wife Karma, she's not a wimp (well, in game she is), but she's more of a bitch I would say! (She still hasn't returned a weapon I loaned her over a year ago, bitch!)
OK, so let's see how the modding goes!
Moderator Wraithlord can call me a loser (
So let's see how fair it is? can I call names too? Or do I have to be a self righteous pompous moderator to call names on the forums?
(2009.Dec.22 09:01 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]yes, I've met Ush's wife Karma, she's not a wimp (well, in game she is), but she's more of a wimp I would say! (She still hasn't returned a weapon I loaned her over a year ago, wimp!)
OK, so let's see how the modding goes!
Moderator Wraithlord can call me a loser (http://forums.awakenedlands.com/showthre...37&page=6)
So let's see how fair it is? can I call names too? Or do I have to be a self righteous pompous moderator to call names on the forums?
I helped you write the word correctly, seemed like you had a space in the middle of it.