(2009.Dec.18 12:47 PM)endees Wrote: [ -> ]sv rule so back up
easy big fella
you'll get your shot with SV once you grow up a bit.
no need to put your .02 in just yet
(2009.Dec.18 12:56 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.18 12:47 PM)endees Wrote: [ -> ]sv rule so back up
easy big fella
you'll get your shot with SV once you grow up a bit.
no need to put your .02 in just yet
hehe, bonus points lmao...
(2009.Dec.18 01:29 PM)endees Wrote: [ -> ]yawn........................
what a big yawn
time for the big boys to put you to bed little guy
you look sleepy
(2009.Dec.18 10:12 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]They jump us anytime we declare on anyone. Another fine example how they ruin the game
Ever thought of making a stand and declaring on them. You only need 10-12 players online to accomplish the win. You should try to be more organised.
Just sayin, don't lie down and take it. Sv's and Diss avoid each other for one good reason. Respect.
(2009.Dec.18 11:00 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ]yeh yeh rambo jr.... we all here your BS drivel.. keep it up....
Don't bring me in to this.
(2009.Dec.18 10:03 AM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]Sv gotten even more gangs now? I thought they bragged about not needing more support.
I thought your job was to SIMPLY mod, not add in some smart ass wish-I-was-as-good-as-you-are comment.
Nice way to go off topic, mod!
(2009.Dec.18 09:38 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]I thought your job was to SIMPLY mod, not add in some smart arse wish-I-was-as-good-as-you-are comment.
Nice way to go off topic, mod!
I still play the game, and last time I played properly SV had one subgang that you moved bored people into. So howl, rj and a few others could move in and out of when they wanted. And I think you had a training gang as well. And I thought you said at one point that you wanted no more allies due to loss of xp targets.
So just wondering if you had gotten more training gangs.
And no, I don't wish I was as good as you. I decided to spend my cash on RL and live in RL

Just fun getting into ingame politics again.
[edit] and I was on topic btw
How many times have I said it before Cheetah.....We play the game just like you. We win, we lose and we have fun...........
We are not subject to sterlization just because we mod threads.
We socialize with others in the forum, we have friends and we PVP and hosp just like everyone else. I am curious what makes us different from others other than the fact that if you don't like a mods opion it makes them a BAD mod...............
That rant is soooo tired.........