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(2009.Dec.18 12:37 AM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]No I helped him. Just trying to keep the tempers down, instead of removing posts all day.

haha... now that's funny!


Where is the option for "i'm a fucking idiot for not participating"?
(2009.Dec.17 11:59 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]no I'm not.

Please tell me that is not a pic of NobamaBinLaden on your avvie, especially not if it means you're supporting him!

Best thing my 10 year old daughter wrote for history class: "what would I change if I was the president?" Answer: "you can't vote if you don't pay taxes"

Never been prouder! Our future generation DOES have hope!

do you think pun will like it?
I think not........
those were some fun wars yesterday...ty xpats
(2009.Dec.18 07:46 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]those were some fun wars yesterday...ty xpats

unplanned things usually are the most fun. Smile
who came out on top of the pvps?
It was a fair fight all around...kudos


(2009.Dec.18 07:48 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]who came out on top of the pvps?
(2009.Dec.17 11:59 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]no I'm not.

Please tell me that is not a pic of NobamaBinLaden on your avvie, especially not if it means you're supporting him!

Best thing my 10 year old daughter wrote for history class: "what would I change if I was the president?" Answer: "you can't vote if you don't pay taxes"

Never been prouder! Our future generation DOES have hope!


10 years old and has a more logical thought process than most people here.
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