Userid: 2
Level: 18
AL Admins
- With the passing of an increased Jailhouse budget by the Awakened Lands City Council, more Jailhouse personnel will be ensuring our streets are a little safer from felons.
- Fixed bug with userlist where players not in gangs had links in the gang column.
- Jack Mort and his pals made the headlines today by hijacking a military van filled with a few coats of armor no one outside the military has seen. No one knows where they were taken, but experts say they have some sort of seller for their stolen goods.
- Fixed a potential exploit with mail-banned player accounts. As usual, we don't go into detail with exploit fixes.
- Slightly improved database performance for pantheon and statistics pages. Fixed bug with both the friends and enemies lists where the correct userid wasn't filled in when sending mail. Fixed bug with the "Report" link when viewing mail.
- Gang Vice Presidents can now Mass Mail their gang members.
- Fixed 14 extremely minor but annoying exploits in player gang pages. As usual, we don't detail exploit fixes.
- Altered mail functionality to behave more like a standard email client. You are no longer limited to seeing only a few emails at a time, as the new mailbox list shows all emails and subjects. Clicking on the subject for an email will allow you to read it. Clicking the red X deletes the email with comfirmation on the same page. Clicking the pen icon replies to the email. For those who wish for the old way, the "Old Inbox" link is still available at the top of the mail page.
- Fixed 2 exploits with the original mail system.
- Fixed issue where clicking a "Send Mail" link on a user profile didn't fill in the correct userid in the mail compose page.
- The Defiance 450 Assault Shotgun Prototype has been adjusted. Those who purchased it thinking it was no better than the assault rifles will notice more criticals. Since it is a prototype, I get the lame excuse to tweak

- First crop of graduates from the AW school of physical therapy have hit the streets. Everyone above level 1 now has the opportunity of training with a personal trainer in the gym for a price. Since they only accept cash, please show up with money in your pocket! Some of the better trainers won't waste their time with anyone who doesn't have enough reputation (yup, it actually has a purpose now!!). Other trainers are only available at certain levels. Sidenote, prices listed changed slightly, but all early users paid the current rate, not the higher rate listed previously.
- Fixed error where you needed more money than what it cost for a trainer.
- Added casino stats to Wealth section of Pantheon.
- Added a field for "average level" to gang info pages.
- Fixed the 1-day donator status buy option in the donator house. Prices are prorated for the amount of time left in the day IF you don't already have donator days. For example, if you want to buy donator status for the rest of the day at exactly noon server time, it costs 50% of the full price. If you have donator days already, the option switches to +1 day for the regular 20-credit price. Donator days last until 12:00 AM server time as usual. Costs are rounded up to prevent exploitation.
- Referral list now has direct links to your referrals.