Gang ambush option
2008.Mar.27, 10:27 AM
Gang ambush option
Post: #1
The gang as a whole participate in gang crimes such as rob a bank etc.Why cant we have the option of gang ambush pvp.

I think it would be fun to have the option.The gang prez would chose gang ambush on 1 or 2 players.All online players in the gang would then automatically lose the required energy for a pvp battle.But rather than it being you cannot hit under serious/fair condition it would continue to do pvp attacks on the opponent even at critical.

For instance 3 level 20 players chose gang ambush on a level 30 player and the energy is taken from them.All 3 attack simultaneously.It may work that the combined efforts of all 3 are not enough to defeat that player so they all end up in the hospital.Yet if they are lucky and defeat that player they would all go to say serious or critical but none would end up in hospital if they won.

Its pretty much what gangs would do.They would work together and attack in ambush style 3 or 4 to 1.
2008.Mar.27, 10:36 AM
Post: #2
Would the ambushed player's fellow gang members jump in to back him up? Maybe just those in the same district with him? Would make sense, in this scenario.
2008.Mar.27, 10:44 AM
Post: #3
Hmm.Thats a good thought although id think it would work good for both parties either way.As you would be assigning 2 or more players to attack just one player if they lose you are 2 men down maybe 3.So it would be like 3 individual attacks on 1 player.

Now i know there are lots of players just a few levels above me and i only do 300 orso damage to them.If 3 or even 4 players in my gang with similar profiles all attacked and we lost we would lose 4 lots of energy and have 4 in the hospital.

All in i think it benefits both the weak and the powerful.
2008.Mar.27, 10:49 AM
Post: #4
I think the possibility of a gang defense needs to be put into effect if this option is made available (I am hearing that it is in the works...)

But either way, I'd imagine that players involved in such an ambush would suffer some serious consequences when the ambushed stronger player stims out.
2008.Mar.27, 10:52 AM
Post: #5
I think the idea has the potential for long hospital visits.

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.
2008.Mar.27, 10:56 AM
Post: #6
I'd hosp for months over something like that Smile
2008.Mar.27, 11:08 AM
Post: #7
True buts its an option that could work well for all concerned.Its more real life and has risks both ways.Its shortsighted to see it just for use in the mid gangs.I think the low level gangs would really appreciate the chance to take out a tough player from another gang.
2008.Mar.27, 11:09 AM
Post: #8
They would not appreciate it for very long.
2008.Mar.27, 11:16 AM
Post: #9
No.But most players get hit hard in wars anyways so it wont really effect that.Its only the sore losers who would be well pissed over it.Id see it as a compliment XD.All is fair in love and wars at the moment but i wouldnt hold a grudge if another gang outflanked me and out thought us.

I could see it now all our gang members hit loki in a gang ambush and we all get our butts kicked.Damn 200+ energy gone and everyone in the hospital.Works both ways Biggrin
2008.Mar.27, 03:46 PM
Post: #10
Maybe have strict parameters to make it an option. For instance. Your gang has 4 players in the Industrial District. 3 of them are online and only 2 of them have enough energy to attack. Therefore the gang can participate in a gang up on an opposing player in the Industrial District with 2 players.

It should not make for extended hospital stays, except for players that take every war personally. Now that the code is changed to focus more on pvp; most players do not think much of getting hit during a war. Hopefully if something like this is implemented, then the emnity caused by it would lessen over time.