(2009.Jun.08 10:37 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: Still doing the add me to your fiends list for 1k contest.
Whomever sends me the BEST item by 1159pm server 02/09/2009..
Will win $1,000,000 AL CASH!
The BEST item will be for me to judge... Anyone and Everyone can participate.
Erm... thats not my house ur giving away is it?

.Jun.09 You received $2,500 from ChiefEagle. Delete
8.Jun.09 ImInTheZoneChief sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $251 from TheDevilsReject. Delete
8.Jun.09 7667 sent a Small Stim-pack to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 TheDevilsReject sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 screamingeagle busted you out of jail. Delete
8.Jun.09 DemonsRevenge sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 Ronin sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 Ronin sent a Small Stim-pack to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $250 from 11332. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $2,000 from Ewok. Delete
8.Jun.09 Deathwing sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $100 from TheDevilsReject. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $1,000 from LikeWoah. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $118 from snorkelbill. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $68 from johnsonhalo. Delete
8.Jun.09 DejaVu sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $532 from Weebay. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $50 from Behemoth. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $69 from ImTooSexyForAL. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $420 from FlyingCollegeMan. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $69 from Isupport7laws. Delete
8.Jun.09 You received $150 from YourMother.
Thank You ALL!! If u did not recieve anything from me... 'It got lost in the mail' thats my story anyway