Were is everyone from?
2006.Jun.30, 11:30 PM
Were is everyone from?
Post: #1
I am sitting here bored waiting for my training client to come in at the gym, and well, just wanted to know where everyone is from?

I'm from Southern California in the Los Angeles area.
2006.Jul.01, 03:41 AM
Post: #2
I am from Northern England
2006.Jul.01, 07:48 AM
Post: #3
I am from London, in the United Kingdom.
2006.Jul.01, 06:20 PM
Post: #4
Wilmington, North Carolina
2006.Jul.02, 08:19 AM
Post: #5
Lisbon - Portugal
2006.Jul.03, 06:29 AM
Post: #6
Im in Reston, VA

about 11 miles NW of Washington DC Twisted
2006.Jul.03, 11:44 AM
Post: #7
Central Texas, right next to Fort Hood
2006.Jul.03, 11:45 AM
Post: #8
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2006.Jul.04, 10:06 PM
Post: #9
Fayetteville, NC
2006.Jul.06, 10:51 PM
Post: #10
boston, mass , usa