499ers are back!
2009.Apr.19, 12:24 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #11
(2009.Apr.19 12:11 PM)ArmorOfGod Wrote:  thank you ppl for letting me know what I really suspected all along,,,That I have no life,,,quite a revelation and I will be working around the clock to impregnate my computer

Welcome to Awakened Lands lol

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2009.Apr.19, 01:50 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #12

bring back w00k!

[Image: wookdance.gif]
2009.Apr.19, 02:00 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #13
(2009.Apr.18 07:06 PM)DirkDanja Wrote:  where's mudpies when you need him??? Redface

Mudpies has been around for awhile now. Im suprised more of you havent caught on to who he is.

A few "older" players have started to play under new names.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Apr.19, 02:12 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #14
I am so thrilled.

If stupidity bothers you, click here for a solution.
2009.Apr.19, 03:05 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #15
maybe Rolleyes
2009.Apr.19, 03:35 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #16
there are more 99ers in xpats than there are max's new gang Shadow of SG's Butt
2009.Apr.19, 03:47 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #17
(2009.Apr.19 03:35 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote:  there are more 99ers in xpats than there are max's new gang Shadow of SG's Butt

2009.Apr.19, 03:48 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #18
G2 i hope your not mad at me,
2009.Apr.19, 03:57 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #19
I'm just messin with your mini-me who called them posers

I'm bored
2009.Apr.19, 04:01 PM
RE: 499ers are back!
Post: #20
lol, got to admire my lil mini- me though