(2009.Apr.05 10:37 AM)awesomo Wrote: (2009.Apr.05 10:33 AM)Batman Wrote: (2009.Apr.03 07:54 PM)Thor Wrote: Lets just give it back to the original owners??
Wait, loki is retired..
Next in line is Pullo, gone too,
BigpapiG? hmm, Bombz, neither... Chris? out of the loop im afraid, that leaves Sarge who came back recently.
There problem solved, return it to its original creator.
I know the story of Loki,w00k,Pullo,499ers,MudPie,Sarge,Chris,Elders,Pest,Yoda,DM....but...i don't know the story of BigPapiG 
...i wish someone to tell me his story...please.
BPG was in the gang from just about the start i believe
BPG was related to Bombz, I think his little brother... the people still playing that had the most time in that gang shell from what I can remember are myself and thrillhouse... I could be wrong but traversing all the gangs... thrill joined pest about 5 days before me, and left a month or 2 after me.
we both had well over a year in the gang. I was Loki's number 2 and was given the gang to run until Pullo insisted they get the shell back. Loki talked Pullo into selling it to me and Zeus. The whole gang help in the purchase. yada yada yada....
Thrillhouse is the longest member still playing...
I say retired for good.... unless DM were revived