Poll: So, what do you do when waiting FOREVER to get back on AL during "outages"?
Cry yourself to sleep
Internet Porn
Give real life a shot for awhile
Watch paint dry or grass grow
Ballbearings, it\'s all ballbearings these days
Watch "Match Game" reruns
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Favorite Activity While AL is Down?
2009.Jan.19, 12:11 PM
Post: #41
ShadowKid Wrote:Serious question what would you do if they put a limit on how many times you can hunt in 1 season so to speak. or do they

Certain hunting seasons have bag limits. I.E. In Indiana during Deer season (shotgun) you're only allowed 2 Does, and 1 Buck.
2009.Jan.19, 12:13 PM
Post: #42
In MN and wisconson, where I hunt, and most other states you are limited to a number of tags or limit per different animal, fish too. There are seasons for species too.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Jan.19, 12:15 PM
Post: #43
Ahh ok lol i thought there went no limit hell i would like to try Deer one day never tried it it supposed to be nice.
2009.Jan.19, 12:16 PM
Post: #44
In wiscon, we are in an intensive harvest area, so each person can take up to 1 buck and 6 does. I usually try for 4 or 5 deer to fill the freezer. Pheasant, grouse, goose, ducks, bear and turkey have limits and seasons. But there are also different tags and seasons for rifle, shotgun, bow and muzzle loader. So one could feed his whole family if he buys a complete tag and hunts everything.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Jan.19, 12:17 PM
Post: #45
I would eat mostly everything in that list except a bear dunno why just wouldn't eat it.
2009.Jan.19, 12:22 PM
Post: #46
Kudos for the Fletch reference
2009.Jan.19, 12:35 PM
Post: #47
When I hunt on my own land, it's dressed, butchered and in the freezer before anyone knows.
2009.Jan.19, 12:50 PM
Post: #48
oh my g-d that took so long for the game to upload
2009.Jan.19, 12:52 PM
Post: #49
NO beer.....Sad is unfair....

He is back....
2009.Jan.20, 08:43 AM
Post: #50
+1 for the Fletch reference