2006.Nov.16, 06:28 AM
Post: #1
I have the fast food job and its got the stats I need to move up, and the ones I already have...but I have fulfilled some of the requirements and its not showing up?? any hints..

Position Wage Acc Dex Res Str End Int Rep Exp
Janitor $ 58 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
Cashier $ 65 3.9 Good 8.7 4.5 3.6 1.0 Good 8.0

Accuracy 1 426 6.08
Dexterity 2 302 15.45
Resistance 1 563 1.35
Strength 1 503 5.47
Work Attribute Rating Rank Development Points
Endurance 1 487 1.40
Intelligence 1 263 1.00
Reputation 1 90 1.00
Work Experience: 1 486 2.00

Looks to me like I have the accuracy requirement, the strength requirement and the inteligence requrement...?? any tips on this??
2006.Nov.16, 06:59 AM
Post: #2
The number there is how many development points you need to gain a level... not how many flat are needed.

So if it says 10 needed, that doesn't mean 10 overall- it means 10 more. The overall requirement may be 50, and you've already got 40 towards it. Once you hit requirement, it'll say 'good', and once you hit requirements in all statistics, the job becomes selectable.
2006.Nov.16, 09:12 AM
Post: #3
ah, that makes sense, thanks for the help!