Poll: what's the most hated gang?
Super Villains
Shadow Warlords
The Space Wranglers
X Pats
Seven Laws
Soul Guardians
Bad Muthas
[Show Results]
most hated gang
2008.Dec.22, 09:34 PM
WOW I feel special now
Post: #121
im finally hated for something. I cant beleive we only got 2 votes though. We do waht we can But u can expect a fight unless of couse the hated HOSP option is used.

I know alot of guys respect us for what we have created.

Biff thansk for speakiing so highly of me and u better watch it i could be lurcking behind a bush waiting on you.

Jaysin ur funny also I still cant beleive we made that list I guess somebody figured we needed a vote or 2.

But we fight win or lose sometimes more then we really should but thats basically in the case of our good buddies who seem to be the main ones who war us.

Nice topic. Mail me if you voted for us though Just curious.
2008.Dec.23, 12:02 AM
Post: #122
Did we win :shock:
2008.Dec.23, 12:36 AM
Post: #123
I'd say we won by a landslide. lol