And the results are
2008.Oct.10, 07:58 AM
Post: #151
I see when that item goes on the market a lot of peolpe will be doing mugging.

I told Tommi about this idea and I think it would work well in this situation. Everyone buys a $1 raffle ticket Zen randomly selects 9 numbers and those 9 peolpe whose number was selected gets the item. If they don't get the item then another number is picked so on and so forth till all the items have been given.

Quote:so hwo come there will be 10 weapons but only behe gets one why not the top 3 ppl in the contest and 7 left?instead of buying them randomly

If you go that route then she would have to give the weapons to the top ten. Which I'm fine with lol

I think what Modification means is that you will take a weapon from the existing weapons and basically give it a boost. But theirs no way to know untill Zen clears it up.

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Oct.10, 08:36 AM
Post: #152
The ticket rafle idea is great!

Most players will want to have a chance at them, but the market may not be something we can watch 24h a day, and some that can may be able to buy more than one.

It's up to Zen and Err, but a "lottery" for a few is a GREAT idea.

Plus, in the end, it would most likely get more in the economy, as people would buy tons of tickets.

8:50 pm BlackHand attacked you and lost.
2008.Oct.10, 08:39 AM
Post: #153
i wanna purchase 100 raffle tickets
2008.Oct.10, 02:57 PM
Post: #154
Meow, you listen here, guys. Here's what's gonna be made.

Dissident Shogunate

The more abstract minds of Dissidence went to work on developing a weapon suitable for a 'behemoth' of a man. This ornate blade has been crafted from titanium, and altered at specific points to add sharpened spines and elongated by a foot and a half, is a long, sturdy, and slightly weighted blade. The added ionized charge helps wonders to slice away at enemies. Though different in materials, traditional methods of forging swords have made this weapon near indestructible and a top-end fighting weapon.

It is a long weapon, but weight ratio between handle and blade give the blade a sort of equilibrium, making it easier to swing and doing more considerable normal damage and critical damage, lowering requirements for such a weapon by 1/5.

Meow, cut it out with the shenanigans.

Since level 60 weapons don't exist yet, I chose the second best thing; level 50 items. In this case, the Nodachi blade.
2008.Oct.10, 03:24 PM
Post: #155
how much and when is it expected?

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2008.Oct.10, 03:29 PM
Post: #156
She told me something that confused the hell out of me. Neutral So..Basically, I don't know how much, nor the expected time of release. XD Sorry. I'd expect a little more than the Nodachi, and maybe after Sunday(Piecing this together because she said I had till Sunday to come up with something).

Trying to use a little bit of logic..
2008.Oct.10, 03:35 PM
Post: #157
so we are talkin somthin like this.....

Dissident Shogunate

Item Type Melee Weapon (Long-Bladed Melee)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 1
Weight (kilograms) 2.3 kg
Standard Price $850,000
Trade-in Value $125,000

The more abstract minds of Dissidence went to work on developing a weapon suitable for a 'behemoth' of a man. This ornate blade has been crafted from titanium, and altered at specific points to add sharpened spines and elongated by a foot and a half, is a long, sturdy, and slightly weighted blade. The added ionized charge helps wonders to slice away at enemies. Though different in materials, traditional methods of forging swords have made this weapon near indestructible and a top-end fighting weapon.

Item Requirements
Strength 26
Dexterity 23
Endurance 12

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2008.Oct.10, 03:39 PM
Post: #158
Basically. The price, and weight, will be worth alittle more, surely. Since it is longer, and it is a rare item. I'm going to change the name a bit.

Dissidence Shogunate

Item Type Melee Weapon (Long-Bladed Melee)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 1
Weight (kilograms) 4.0 kg
Standard Price $1,000,000
Trade-in Value $200,000

The more abstract minds of Dissidence went to work on developing a weapon suitable for a 'behemoth' of a man. This ornate blade has been crafted from titanium, and altered at specific points to add sharpened spines and elongated by a foot and a half, is a long, sturdy, and slightly weighted blade. The added ionized charge helps wonders to slice away at enemies. Though different in materials, traditional methods of forging swords have made this weapon near indestructible and a top-end fighting weapon.

Item Requirements
Strength 26
Dexterity 23
Endurance 12
2008.Oct.10, 03:42 PM
Post: #159
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Basically. The price, and weight, will be worth alittle more, surely. Since it is longer, and it is a rare item. I'm going to change the name a bit.

Dissidence Shogunate

Item Type Melee Weapon (Long-Bladed Melee)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 1
Weight (kilograms) 2.3 kg
Standard Price $1,000,000
Trade-in Value $200,000

The more abstract minds of Dissidence went to work on developing a weapon suitable for a 'behemoth' of a man. This ornate blade has been crafted from titanium, and altered at specific points to add sharpened spines and elongated by a foot and a half, is a long, sturdy, and slightly weighted blade. The added ionized charge helps wonders to slice away at enemies. Though different in materials, traditional methods of forging swords have made this weapon near indestructible and a top-end fighting weapon.

Item Requirements
Strength 26
Dexterity 23
Endurance 12

im thinking whoever ends up buying one might be able to change the name of the weapon from Dissidence Shogunate to say Shadow Shogunate or Villains Shogunate?

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2008.Oct.10, 03:45 PM
Post: #160
I wouldn't think so..She described it as my own line of product.