And the results are
2008.Oct.10, 02:15 AM
Post: #141
heyy u shhh
2008.Oct.10, 03:42 AM
Post: #142
nah i think its time for you to shh
2008.Oct.10, 03:53 AM
Post: #143
lol calm down lads =p
2008.Oct.10, 04:00 AM
Post: #144
shh shadow55
2008.Oct.10, 06:32 AM
Post: #145
so hwo come there will be 10 weapons but only behe gets one why not the top 3 ppl in the contest and 7 left?instead of buying them randomly

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
2008.Oct.10, 06:38 AM
Post: #146
who said there will be 10 only? and i thought it was just modification to a weapon, not a new type of weapon.
2008.Oct.10, 06:40 AM
Post: #147
zenith Wrote:After going over the data for potential cheating, it's pretty clear who is the winner. Congrats Tommi.

Tommi gets to help design a new item based on a currently exiting item. It will be somewhat of a "special" version. There will be 10 in total, and 1 goes to Tommi. The rest will be sold on the item market (not all at the same time). For example, he could decide to take his current weapon and make a "modified" version of it that has a little more kick. Or he can decide to take the below credit prize.

The rest do get a little something. Subtract total points from sign-ups. If it's 10+, they get x50 credits. If it's under 10 they get x10 credits.

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2008.Oct.10, 06:46 AM
Post: #148
ooohh i see, must of missed that page, thats a awsome prize, i wonder how much they will be selling for on the item market though..
2008.Oct.10, 06:48 AM
Post: #149
shadow55 Wrote:ooohh i see, must of missed that page, thats a awsome prize, i wonder how much they will be selling for on the item market though..

Best way to do it is keep 500k on hand Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted

If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit.
6.) You hit for 1245 points of damage. **** resists 34 for a total of 1211 damage.
2008.Oct.10, 06:50 AM
Post: #150
lol ill just have estate open in new tab ready to sell =p hah but i doubt ill even get to see it on the market lol you know how competitive people can get..