Dual careers
2009.Jan.05, 01:47 PM
Dual careers
Post: #1
In the past it was brought up that allowing us to use CPs from other careers we had for those abilities would be alright but there would have to be some kind of penalty like double point usage since we are not currently in that field.

I understand that it may take alot of time to code in the aspect there as I personally would be sitting with CPs for all the careers and the costs of those special skills if I was high enough level to use them. Of course my screen would be full with alot of text as I am sure others as well.

However, if we were allowed to use a primary and secondary career (double point usage of course) what would you choose for your two careers?

I would debate between politics and medical or politics and one of the careers allowing me extra fighting abilities. However, if it ever came down to where medics were allowed to heal anyone then most definitely Politics and Medical.

What about others here? What two would you choose and why? Smile Smile
2009.Jan.05, 02:15 PM
Post: #2
Politics and martial art/military would go nicely..Medical and science/Athletics would go decently together, too.
2009.Jan.05, 02:18 PM
Post: #3
Politics and Athletics. I want to be the first president to win a Olympic Gold medal.

My real choice would be Manufacturing and Athletics.

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2009.Jan.05, 02:22 PM
Post: #4
Manufacturing and Construction...i think..really not to sure
2009.Jan.05, 02:23 PM
Post: #5
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Politics and martial art/military would go nicely..Medical and science/Athletics would go decently together, too.

Politics and Military do make for a good mix
2009.Jan.05, 02:26 PM
Post: #6
Manufacturing and Construction are basically the same thing, only on different things..So, they would go nicely together, also.

Science and military would go well together..
2009.Jan.05, 02:30 PM
Post: #7
military and construction would be my pick

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2009.Jan.05, 04:52 PM
Post: #8
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Manufacturing and Construction are basically the same thing, only on different things..So, they would go nicely together, also.

Science and military would go well together..

^^^^ Has a dangerous mind stay away from me in future hehe.
2009.Jan.05, 07:33 PM
Post: #9
engineering and constrution
2009.Jan.05, 08:23 PM
Post: #10
Martial Arts/Military OR Politics/Military OR Athletics/Military
Medical/Science OR Science/Manufacturing OR Science/Engineering

There's an odd number of careers so if this happened, either some career would be oddball out or the system could be set so that a couple of choices could be made as to pairing like I've outlined above.

Who gives a drek.