In the past it was brought up that allowing us to use CPs from other careers we had for those abilities would be alright but there would have to be some kind of penalty like double point usage since we are not currently in that field.
I understand that it may take alot of time to code in the aspect there as I personally would be sitting with CPs for all the careers and the costs of those special skills if I was high enough level to use them. Of course my screen would be full with alot of text as I am sure others as well.
However, if we were allowed to use a primary and secondary career (double point usage of course) what would you choose for your two careers?
I would debate between politics and medical or politics and one of the careers allowing me extra fighting abilities. However, if it ever came down to where medics were allowed to heal anyone then most definitely Politics and Medical.
What about others here? What two would you choose and why?