Player Stats
2008.Sep.30, 04:18 PM
Player Stats
Post: #1
I am sure this has been brought up before, but i wouldn't even know where to begin to look. Will we see a top 100 stat list soon?
2008.Sep.30, 05:21 PM
Post: #2
na im not fond of that top 50 sounds better
2008.Sep.30, 06:06 PM
Post: #3
100 would be nice
2008.Sep.30, 06:31 PM
Post: #4
It would be nice to see the top 100 players
2008.Sep.30, 06:33 PM
Post: #5
Hmm...perhaps 500 like the Jail in POI.
2008.Sep.30, 07:37 PM
Post: #6
how about top 437 so I could make the list.

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Sep.30, 07:49 PM
Post: #7
you know where you're at
isn't that enough
2008.Sep.30, 07:56 PM
Post: #8

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Sep.30, 08:59 PM
Post: #9
No no no no no no no

Obama's balls, your chin...............Suckers..........Duped again.
Benders face, my ass....................Sucker Dupe
2008.Oct.01, 07:29 AM
Post: #10
If you guys have no problem of giving out your stats away, top 100 list isn't so bad.

The top 50 list is a bit harder for other player to guess. Especially the top 25, Its even harder. In order for you to go up in one rank, you will need to level 1 level or more in that particular stat.
