Rafallol Wrote:buuddha Wrote:or maybe you can say that every inactive is a zombie, and the most zombie attacks wins.
That would be boring meybe online players are zombies and your goal is to hospitalzie as much zombies as posible
YEch that would be fun

how about a select amount of online and active players are randomly chosen, (a low % though) and those players chosen are "infected".
if they attack and win against a human, they turn the human into a zombie and get one zombie point. if they attack that human and lose, the human turns the zombie into a human and earns one human point.
it would go both ways too, if a human attacks a zombie and wins, he turns that zombie into a human again, if not, the human becomes a zombie.
human/zombie with the most points wins.
there would also be random hosp/jail times to kind of keep the numbers down.
would have to be tracked by zen.