Jolabent Wrote:I think that it is ok to have a retirement district. First off, it was the player's money (if they donated) to decide how to invest it in. They should also have the choice of how they want to play the game and how they want to end the game. Yes people have used others to achieve their levels. But if they want to take their character and retire it, what difference would it be if you have a DELETE button?
Either way, you would not have access to them ever again. If I ever stop playing AL, retirement district will be my choice. I invested my time and money into my character, so how I end it should be my choice.
Nice post Jola, maybe I could change my mind about if a
retirement dist should exist.
If you have never hit an inactive to get where you are then fine stand on that ground. But this is about EXP not Money. So if you have used inactives to level at all, then what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. No disrespect...