why people get mad..
2008.Sep.18, 09:59 PM
why people get mad..
Post: #1
regular fight....us both being full power... Howlsong attacking

Howlsong leave loss 31 4 757 2,301 259 203
Howlsong leave loss 25 6 921 2,087 155 231

me full and Howlsong in serious...me attacking

Howlsong overpowered loss 26 4 359 2,133 321 150

nice...and makes perfect sense.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.Sep.18, 10:02 PM
Post: #2
Is this supposed to make sense..? Are you mad..? Is she mad..? Is Marlo mad..?
2008.Sep.18, 10:04 PM
Post: #3
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Is this supposed to make sense..? Are you mad..? Is she mad..? Is Marlo mad..?

i was a little dissapointed that i did far less damage to her, while she was in serious condition, than i normally do when she is healthy.

that is all.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.Sep.18, 10:08 PM
Post: #4
It happens. People sometimes hit more critical hits in one fight than another. Plus, you're like...Uh. 10 spaces or so under her in the POI for stats? You shouldn't be too disappointed with a loss.
2008.Sep.18, 10:24 PM
Post: #5
should i be madder? i was healthy and he was fair. i typically own him when we are both healthy.

September 18, 2008, 10:42:10 pm Conrad Ronin overpowered loss 18

September 1, 2008, 6:20:21 am Ronin Conrad gang battle win 17
August 10, 2008, 3:22:37 pm Conrad Ronin leave win 29
August 8, 2008, 4:00:34 pm Conrad Ronin leave win 15
August 7, 2008, 12:59:07 pm Conrad Ronin leave win 19
August 7, 2008, 10:40:49 am Conrad Ronin leave win 19
August 6, 2008, 7:59:50 pm Conrad Ronin leave win 23
July 28, 2008, 3:57:42 pm Conrad Ronin leave win 11
July 18, 2008, 7:52:52 am Conrad Ronin leave win 11
June 26, 2008, 9:33:47 pm Ronin Conrad berserk win 25

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.Sep.18, 10:29 PM
Post: #6
Conrad you will just have to accept the fact you are having a weak moment in AL. It happens to most all of us at some point. I experienced the same thing as you earlier when attacking Hannibal while he was in fair.
Occasionally you have your random wins, just think back to them when going through a weak phase. Usually can help relieve the anger.
2008.Sep.18, 10:29 PM
Post: #7
Berserk Rage is going to give him an advantage..As for gang battles, maybe he put a belt on or something. There's a plethora of things that could add up to your losing, Conrad..
2008.Sep.18, 10:31 PM
Post: #8
Weebay Wrote:Conrad you will just have to accept the fact you are having a weak moment in AL. It happens to most all of us at some point. I experienced the same thing as you earlier when attacking Hannibal while he was in fair.
Occasionally you have your random wins, just think back to them when going through a weak phase. Usually can help relieve the anger.

biatchin is free, so let me be. Smile

oh... i JUST leveled. maybe that has something to do with it?

who the fuck cares.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.Sep.18, 11:10 PM
Post: #9
2008.Sep.19, 05:19 AM
Post: #10
dont forget the little thing called gcb Smile

one nice benefit of being in a gang who saves points....plus as said above, we have some bruts in here, especially our women Smile
