Bigrod is back for some love
2008.Sep.22, 12:34 AM
Post: #71
andyscho Wrote:We need somewhere to record this for new members to see. Incredible. we wont see this done again for a long long time
2008.Sep.22, 12:34 AM
Post: #72
Bigrod got me damn ive done 500 min in hosp now between BigRod and Punisher
2008.Sep.22, 12:39 AM
Post: #73
.... and the 3rd hosp from him. lmao... i'm done. i'm out of stims so i cant stim myself out.

before i got hosp'd i managed to get an SS of the hosp having 262 ppl. can someone take care of the rest?

i really wanted to get a screenshot @300
2008.Sep.22, 12:43 AM
Post: #74
267 is the highest I saw. Next time this happens it's called a BigRod.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Sep.22, 12:45 AM
Post: #75
zenith Wrote:267 is the highest I saw. Next time this happens it's called a BigRod.
Bigrod is now a verb. hehe
2008.Sep.22, 12:46 AM
Post: #76
well this sucks looks like bed time is called early for alot of people tonight lol
2008.Sep.22, 12:47 AM
Post: #77
1 MOB BigRod 301+ Attacks

Yes.. I believe so.. It will be forever remember in AL's history book.

2008.Sep.22, 12:48 AM
Post: #78
well... i DO have an 8AM class tomorrow and its almost midnight. i don't wanna go thru parking hell again so i'll go for now

[Image: AL_200.jpg]
2008.Sep.22, 12:50 AM
Post: #79
andyscho Wrote:I would love to see his total credits used in last 24 hours figure when this is all over

bigrod says (2:49 AM):
You have 11 credit(s). You have spent 26,688 credit(s) in the last 24 hours. What would you like to spend your credits on?

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl
2008.Sep.22, 12:52 AM
Post: #80