2008.Aug.07, 11:45 PM
Post: #11
GD!!! You mugged Aqualung451 and stole $89 out of their pockets!

that sux
2008.Aug.07, 11:48 PM
Post: #12
This contest is interesting.
2008.Aug.07, 11:53 PM
Post: #13
haha yea, i wonder if some of them arent gonna notice the event notice and sign onto the forums and start complaining.. "so-and-so hospitalized me for no reason. i want retribution! revenge! ill pay someone to hospitalize him back!"

but... id rather get mail =]
2008.Aug.07, 11:56 PM
Post: #14
hahaha online attacks are so tempting
2008.Aug.08, 12:07 AM
Post: #15
You mugged KeyserSoze and stole $8 out of their pockets!

Experience Earned : 143
Hospitalization Time : 5

2008.Aug.08, 12:08 AM
Post: #16
Very interesting, haven't got any where near it yet.. Sad
2008.Aug.08, 12:15 AM
Post: #17
i like this game
2008.Aug.08, 12:18 AM
Post: #18
Experience Earned : 8
Hospitalization Time : 18

Eh, went for a mugging, and that's what I got.. :shock:
2008.Aug.08, 12:18 AM
Post: #19
Just got an 88 minute "leave them" hit Smile
I'd like the white hat 'Cause I'm one of the good guys Smile
2008.Aug.08, 12:21 AM
Post: #20
Way to go, Gail. Biggrin