Efficiency Score?
2008.Jun.30, 12:26 AM
Efficiency Score?
Post: #1
...for your career on the POI. How is it calculated? I don't understand how the person behind me can gain on me when I work all hours every day and haven't been using any career points. What gives?
2008.Jun.30, 02:01 PM
Post: #2
Only Zen and Err will know the Real answer to this.

But, here is my take on this.

The efficency score is calculated base on the average career point you gained in a day.

Let say Day one, you worked 12 hours and you gained 85 carreer points. If you divide 85 by 12, you will get an average of 7.08 career points per hour. If your career level is 4 or higher, that score would be recorded on the Pantheon of Infamy chart. Next day, if you got lucky and scored a 8.24 average per hour. The new high score will simply replace the old one.

POE will simply take your BEST average career point per hour of a single day and list it in the efficency chart.

Bear in mind, ONLY Zen and Err know the realy calculation behind this.

2008.Jun.30, 02:13 PM
Post: #3
Thanks BUT if you take the top 3 of each career one could assume that all three (as close as they may be) get around teh same avg career pts per day and if we are all working them daily then the person behind me shouldn't be closing in on me. Unless avg career pts received/day is based on something other than experience in that career. Z or E? thanks
2008.Jun.30, 02:18 PM
Post: #4
They could have lvled up their career and hence are getting more points a day.
2008.Jun.30, 02:20 PM
Post: #5
I know Luck and Career Level has a major factor in career point gain.

If I am lucky, I would get a lot more career point in that particular day. This would boost me up in the Efficency Rank.

Maybe the person who is closing in on your moved up one level in their career? Or Got extra lucky that day?

2008.Jun.30, 02:28 PM
Post: #6
I think it is in this ratio:

Hours Worked : Current Available Points/Level

So, If you are Rank 4 engineering, and are 1000 points into it, and have never spent a single point on repairing a hideout or stat gain, then, you will have a higher efficiency than someone who is 1000 points into rank 4 engineering who has used even 1 CP to repair or for stat growth.
2008.Jun.30, 03:35 PM
Post: #7
Spending some points must have to increase your efficiency rating, bc I have definitely spent a few points....as has the person ranked next below me.
2008.Jun.30, 04:57 PM
Post: #8
cheetah Wrote:Spending some points must have to increase your efficiency rating, bc I have definitely spent a few points....as has the person ranked next below me.

I would imagine that your diligence in daily work over an extended period of time trumps that of those below you though.
2008.Jul.01, 11:18 PM
Post: #9
Marlo Wrote:
cheetah Wrote:Spending some points must have to increase your efficiency rating, bc I have definitely spent a few points....as has the person ranked next below me.

I would imagine that your diligence in daily work over an extended period of time trumps that of those below you though.
Which is why I asked this question. Because I haven't used mine at ALL and beings how I'm higher on the list than the person behind me I can only assume my career level is higher or if we are the same level then I'm further into the same level. So even if we are both the same level and neither of us are using our career points then the person behind me must be getting lucky OR cheetah is right and USING your career points causes you to be more efficient for some dreky reason.

Support Staff???????
2008.Jul.01, 11:30 PM
Post: #10

* Added career ladders to the pantheon. Ranks are based on an efficiency score that takes into account career rank, hours worked, experience earned, points earned, times quit, and times fired.