everyone seems to pass over the fact that Gent/Pimpstars wasn't even really a gang. If you warred them they hosped, they didn't want points. Ush is all about GCB (gang combat bonus for the noobs out there) and without that with the Theafers, Gent he had to find a gang that already had enough points for a healthy GCB.
I'm sure he preaches to them WAR WAR WAR, GCB GCB GCB. It's what he did in SV, Theafers.
Ush has always said that he wanted to be in a gang to compete with SV and have it tougher for us. However I'll refer back to Pun's post about our last loss to the 499ers. Kudo's to Val for getting more war gang points woot! Doesn't mean you can win a war