car crimes
2006.Sep.27, 09:17 AM
car crimes
Post: #1
Does anyone know, from experience or otherwise, approximately what stats are required to be reasonably successful at the 16+ point car crimes?
2006.Sep.27, 12:20 PM
Post: #2
I think Dex is the biggest. As my dex went up so did my success with these crimes.
2006.Sep.27, 12:29 PM
Post: #3
k, I knew dex was at least part of it. Thanks.
2006.Sep.27, 10:39 PM
Post: #4
i have no sure idea, but every time i leveled up, my success rate seemed to get instantly better
2006.Sep.29, 02:36 PM
Post: #5
a handy lockpick can help
2006.Sep.29, 06:28 PM
Post: #6
i always find a brick to be very useful.