if you are high lvl please look
2008.Apr.28, 08:58 AM
Post: #11
this guy really thinks he's something else, eh? lol

i like how he only addresses it to high level players only...because he's far too superior for the little guy to make a comment on his awesome hideout hits.
2008.Apr.28, 09:13 AM
Post: #12
Its a look at me thread....my shitola dont stink Smile

edit... a better way to start this topic might be....hey whats the best hit each weapon is capable of in wars...I think the best for my weapon is...

2008.Apr.28, 10:01 AM
Post: #13
My suggestion next time before potentially annoying "lower levels" like me: Back up your money/equipment with good stats too.

But thank you for the experience!

As far as on topic...yeah, that would have been a better way of going about this thread. Max damage is really pointless to me. I want to know what the average dmg is. Why someone would choose a wep in gang wars that would does substantially less damage overall but has a higher max dmg is beyond me (especially if you have my luck with hitting for max or near max).
2008.Apr.28, 10:37 AM
Post: #14
[to the thread starter]
What weapon are you using?
2008.Apr.28, 10:58 AM
Post: #15
nice hit, but hideout wars are a waste of time.
2008.Apr.28, 11:46 AM
Post: #16
hes got the shamrock and i have heard it isnt consistent i have hit 53 ONCE lol the rest of the time its mid 30 early 40 its consistency you want in gang wars not one hit wonders!