2008.Jan.06, 04:21 PM
Post: #11
here here...bring it on I obviously like to spin it Smile
2008.Feb.01, 01:04 AM
Post: #12
I noticed this playing roulette tonight:

Monogo Casino Roulette Table
Roulette: Pick a number between 0 - 36
You place $5 into the slot and pull the pole.

Sounds like something you would do to a slot machine, not a roulette wheel.
2008.Feb.01, 01:36 AM
Post: #13
I won over 500k in roulette when I first started and I thought I had it all figured out. Then my number didn't come up for about 200 bets @ 3g's a pop and I quit for months. I just started playing again and I'm up about 200k. That's how gambling goes.
2008.Feb.01, 02:23 AM
Post: #14

Monogo Casino Slot Machines
Error, you cannot refresh or go back on the slots, please use a side link to go somewhere else.
> Back

this is the first time i've ever been kicked out of an online casino.....
2008.Feb.01, 09:25 AM
Post: #15
gambling is dangerous mmmmmmkkkk