Pulling your sisters hair, punching your little brother...
2007.Nov.28, 07:03 AM
Pulling your sisters hair, punching your little brother...
Post: #1
Woohoo, who else is excited about getting to hit your gangmates today?

Who in your gang are you most excited about sizing yourself up against?
2007.Nov.28, 08:19 AM
Post: #2
anyone else getting emails saying "how did you hit me???"

magic yo

2007.Nov.28, 08:28 AM
Post: #3
I finally got to smack Bacon around! Twisted
2007.Nov.28, 09:23 AM
Post: #4
Yes Geek, I am enjoying this thoroughly! Biggrin
2007.Nov.28, 10:11 AM
Post: #5
I am enjoying the fact that my level 23 can't beat me. For weeks he has been thinking he is stronger than me. I will just let him keep thinking that Smile
2007.Nov.28, 11:44 AM
Post: #6
cheetah Wrote:Yes Geek, I am enjoying this thoroughly! Biggrin

LOL. I see that!!! YES, attention all SVs, your #1 XP Cow is BACK BABY, (for a limited time only!)!!! hahaha
2007.Nov.28, 12:24 PM
Post: #7
This is fun.... and educational...!

Most enjoyable fight for me so far, Galvatron vs. PropositionJoe in a 72 round Sledge Hammer vs. Sledge Hammer affair of honor. Twisted Twisted
2007.Nov.28, 12:37 PM
Post: #8
In my defense mudpies, I thought I made you mad & you quit the gang & hit me. one can have dreams I guess

2007.Nov.28, 04:26 PM
Post: #9
g2o2d4wp Wrote:In my defense mudpies, I thought I made you mad & you quit the gang & hit me. one can have dreams I guess


if I were to get mad at you and quit the gang to hit you, that would be a bit babyish now wouldn't it?
