Chris Mangano Wrote:So how does this affect crimes, combat, training etc.? Do they still use the old points system?
Currently things are exactly as before with crimes, combat, and training. Things will change however when we get off our butts and finish our new combat code. Stat ratings will be of great importance, and development points will be used in tie-breakers. A new skills addition is in the works, and will further supplement your stats in certain situations (combat, crimes, etc).
The stats "change" was to keep stat gains at a linear progression as a player gained levels. The previous method of stat gains made beginners look pathetic compared to high-level characters. Looking at the long-term position of characters showed us the original stat progression just didn't work.
No one has lost anything in terms of stats. Everyone has their stat points as before, but they are now seen as stat development points.
The reason we released this portion of the code prior to the major additions was 1) to get a feel on how people will react, and 2) to get everyone acquainted to the new ratings prior to releasing the combat changes.