Is forum a part of the game?
2007.Sep.10, 11:22 PM
Is forum a part of the game?
Post: #1
I'm just wondering when people say that forums arent a part of the game. It's my belief that in the forum all the/ most of the politics in a text based game happens. Hence the feelings seeping over to the "game".

I've played different text based games for nearly 4-5years, and things you do in forum have consequences in the "game", wether we like it or not. So I'm just wondering what other people think.

I see people react with disdain and anger when they get hosp'ed for things they do or say in forum, and then turn around and do the same to someone weaker to something weaker.

Who here believes that the forum isnt a part of the game, please add why it isnt a part of the game. And then add what connection it has to the game.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2007.Sep.10, 11:50 PM
Post: #2
In a perfect world i would say that the forums are seperate from the game, but we are not in a perfect world.

In general I think the forums are a place for people to interact as a community, voice their opinion, and to ask questions of older more experienced players and/or staff. I think the forums were intended to be seperate from the game but inevitably they always seem to become a big part of the game.

The forums and mails are where we form our opinions of people. how the react to being attacked, mugged, having their opinions ridiculed as stupid or needless, or even how they handle priase if they get it. from these opinions we generally choose our favorite targets. Are players going to be "punished" by other players for what is said here? More than likely if they post a personal attack, air private disputes in a public forum, or somehow wrong another player.

On a personal note I myself try to keep them seperate.
2007.Sep.11, 12:26 AM
Post: #3
Forum is so separate from the game!!!! If you go on the forum and start reading and posting for 30 minutes, you will find yourself logged out the game and most likely in the hospital. Smile

The question about what was said above is, why would X hosp Y if he said something about Z and Z didn't know or care?

So now I ask you, is the forum included in the game or is just any reason (true or made up) to hosp players a good reason? Don't answer this, it's almost 3am here but you know what I mean.
2007.Sep.11, 01:16 AM
Post: #4
Without an "in-character" and "out-of-character" forum, I assume the forums are part of the game. Even if they weren't, I find it impossible for people to separate them unless I hid the in-game names from the forum.

If someone gets another player mad in the forums it's going to reflect in the game, whether we make a rule about it or not. It's just human nature. Making a rule that prevents things said in the forum from affecting in-game play would be unenforceable.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Sep.11, 01:53 AM
Post: #5
Yes it certainly is. I have made judgments about people from the forums.

I havn't attacked anybody from anything they posted, but I know others have.
2007.Sep.11, 05:01 AM
Post: #6
Forum provides a bit of extra drama and politics that this game needs to keep it interesting. The fact that lose talk spills over into the game is a fact of life, If you want to keep your nose clean, keep your mouth closed.

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2007.Sep.11, 06:48 AM
Post: #7
i dont mind so much when forums turn into issue, but when people just immediately flip out like "oh my GOD... he said WHAT??" and just start goin at it in the reg. game, i think thats silly. if everyone just relaxed a little bit, everything would be so much better
2007.Sep.11, 09:09 AM
Post: #8
I definately think it is a part or an extension of the game. The forums (specifically politics or "general" discussions) allow for venting where everyone can see the sides of ones angst towrds another player or when one gang gets laid out by another for something trivial.

Things in game can get convoluted and misconstrued. Here they are all out in the open like a hooker in Vegas. Everyone then forms their own opinions about the situation and thus takes sides and it grows and grows from there.

Forums also are for trading and advice, but mostly for drama and chaos that others cannot see in game.
2007.Sep.11, 12:19 PM
Post: #9
(In best South Park Saddam voice)

"Come on, relax guys"
2007.Sep.11, 01:05 PM
Post: #10
andyscho Wrote:Forum provides a bit of extra drama and politics that this game needs to keep it interesting. The fact that lose talk spills over into the game is a fact of life, If you want to keep your nose clean, keep your mouth closed.

I agree. The forum should be the political center of the game. Here, everybody is equal, as we can all enter our opinions on any topic that arises from the game. It helps make the game more geared toward the players, rather than Zen sitting in her control room in her secret bunker making rules all willy-nilly with no outside input.