Good day Martial Artists
2007.Aug.10, 04:45 PM
Post: #11
OHHHHHH, got hold of the info for Martial Arts 3 bonus.

Vulgan (copyrighted otherwise) nerve pinch 20 APs
Totally messes over your opponent. Success depends on your level compared to level of who you pinch. 99% Max-1% Min

I.E. A LVL 8 person is 1/5 the level of a LVL 40 (20%). The LVL 8 has a 20% chance of messing up the LVL 40. A LVL 2 person goes after a LVL 40 they have a 5% chance of success as LVL 2 is 1/20 (5%) of LVL 40.

Hospital stays are random compared to levels. No stims able to reduce or eliminate stay time. Only possible treatment is by a LVL 6 medic or better.

Hope this helps you bud. LOL Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag Zenith. Please don't suspend me, OK? :wink: :wink:
2007.Aug.10, 06:09 PM
Post: #12
Hmm thanks for that nerve pinch huh sounds good! Smile
2007.Aug.11, 01:49 AM
Post: #13
Pretty bs if it's true

All that work and time just to have a lower levels with a huge % to hosp stronger players everyday. Even worst if you take the example of some1 who is all stats and can beat up higher levels.
2007.Aug.11, 06:52 AM
Post: #14
Sounds like a bunch of poo to me. Besides, how the heck do you just stumble upon info like that.
2007.Aug.11, 09:02 AM
Post: #15
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People who believed my last post come see me right away. I have a bridge in New York to sell you. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zenith would most definitely have a better name if that skill was true. Give her some credit pleassssssse.

Besides, if you had the skill you would be able to do a decent job. THat's why you wouldn't get it at LVL 1. HAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA
2007.Aug.12, 04:56 AM
Post: #16
I know that gullible is in the dictionary see its right... wait a minute... I swear you said it would be right here... well it certainly must be in the sky like you said it would be... huh... guess its gone damn i missed it... (hangs head in shame) :oops:
2007.Sep.09, 08:06 PM
Post: #17
Anyone hit level 3 yet with info of any abilities? Be nice to know.
2007.Sep.15, 11:45 AM
Post: #18
Any LVL 3 MAs out there yet?
2007.Sep.15, 01:34 PM
Post: #19
I am pretty close to a martial arts rating of 3. I will let you guys know what happens when I get there, if it is not already brought up. Oh, hey and by the way... any chance of being able to pull off a one-inch punch, some where in the near future of a martial arts career?

2007.Sep.15, 02:23 PM
Post: #20
lol inch punch.
i suggest if you havent seen bruce lee do this...go to youtube and watch it RIGHT now. he punches a guy in the chest from 1inch away and knocks him over. the thing is he doesnt move his arms at all....its all his hips.
it really shows how much power that lil guy could put in a punch