would it be difficult to
2007.Aug.04, 07:44 PM
would it be difficult to
Post: #1
alphabetize the drop down list of gangs when you go to declare war?

that would make it much easier to navigate, I get blurry eyed reading through all those gangs trying to find the one I want every time.

2007.Aug.04, 08:46 PM
Post: #2
I believe that was posted already. LOL No reply yet though. HEHE
2007.Aug.04, 10:36 PM
Post: #3
dude, search the forums next time before you post! geez....

2007.Aug.05, 11:46 AM
Post: #4
FaceOwner Wrote:dude, search the forums next time before you post! geez....


I did. That's why I replied. Just looked at it a couple days ago again. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!
2007.Aug.05, 07:41 PM
Post: #5
Scorpious Wrote:
FaceOwner Wrote:dude, search the forums next time before you post! geez....


I did. That's why I replied. Just looked at it a couple days ago again. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

i know i was aiming that comment at myself actually!
2007.Aug.06, 09:26 AM
Post: #6
reallly a column with a button to declare in the gang list page would be ideal....easiest navigation