(2013.Aug.29 06:56 PM)UNKAGED Wrote: theirs nothing being done to the game why is this have you given up on it ??? 

Giving up on this game, as you would say, is just an assumption. See, for the admin(s) to "give up" on this game, the admin(s) would have to let the server crash by not paying and not logging in. The admin(s) do both of these.
You and many others make the sad assumption that they have given up, just for the simple fact that they don't respond or give any attention. Unfortunately, they don't. I give it a few more months and they will be back.
To help speed up this process, I'm sure that they would love your donations and for you to vote for their site, because they are greedy and money hungry, and will only pay attention to this game if they are receiving money and gaining a user database.
I read somewhere in these forums that there are 40,000+ members that have signed up here, yet only 75+ that still play. Wouldn't that make you want to go into hiding for a while if this was your game?