What are crimes worth?
2013.May.06, 11:18 PM
RE: What are crimes worth?
Post: #201
(2013.May.06 07:50 PM)filthymick Wrote:  Criminal Action
1. You head off to the Decatur International Airport in search of some unsuspecting victims.
2. You bypass the simple easy marks for something more your style, the Airport Security.
3. You snoop around and find a security watch room with the door ajar.

Result: You hear voices as you slide the door open, and notice a couple of agents distracted as they watch video of a porn on the security tapes. You sneak off with a security payment envelope with some major cash totalling $750!!

even in victory....


talk about fail

Round 11
BALOR hits SchrodingersCat for 1061 damage. SchrodingersCat resists 19 for a total of 1042 damage.
BALOR defeated SchrodingersCat.

You mugged $11 out of their pockets!
Experience Earned : 182
Hospitalization Time : 11


go stare in the mirror and say to yourself you're the greatest then you and your fan of one wont be so lonely.

Life isn't like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow
2013.May.07, 01:05 AM
RE: What are crimes worth?
Post: #202
a dollar a minute, better than my current income lol

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.
2013.May.16, 07:04 PM
RE: What are crimes worth?
Post: #203
1. You plan out a simple Investment Brokerage Ponzi Scheme that pays investors 10% interest per month.
2. You get a few investors to pony up $1000 to earn a 10% interest in a month.
3. Those investors spread the word, and your scheme starts to gather steam.
Result: After a few more suckers get trapped in your scheme, you bail out before people realize what is going on, earning you $2140 before your investors can get all their cash back!

Try Again

Proud US Navy Veteran
Just because you CAN cuss doesn't mean you NEED to....
2013.May.17, 03:51 AM
RE: What are crimes worth?
Post: #204
Criminal Action
1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside a corporate business center in the Beach District.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.
Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their website database and grab credit card data. You fence the data for $2753.

Try Again

He is back....
2013.May.17, 07:19 PM
RE: What are crimes worth?
Post: #205
Criminal Action
1. Bored as you are, you fire up the computer and scan the wireless networks outside a corporate business center in the Midlan District.
2. You find an unsecure access point and begin sniffing the data for passwords.
3. You fire up the data sniff program to try to steal some useful information.

Result: After a couple of hours with a password cracker you manage to log into their website database and grab credit card data. You fence the data for $2145.

my first one.