230 candies for sale
2013.Jan.08, 09:18 AM
230 candies for sale
Post: #1
Auction style.

Bidding ends 12 hours after there are no new bids.

There is a reserve.

Bids are in per candy, in increments of 250 per.

Bidding starts at 20k per.

If the winning bidder does not wish to purchase all 230 candies, the next highest bidder will have the opportunity to buy the the remaining candies at his or her highest bid, provided their bid is above the reserve.

I will announce when the bidding has met or exceeded the reserve.

Bidding will last at a minimum of 38 hours ( Midnight game time on January 9th)
This post was last modified: 2013.Jan.08 06:36 PM by InPaceRequiscat.

4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

2013.Jan.09, 08:59 PM
RE: 230 candies for sale
Post: #2
3 hours remaining on initial bidding.

4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

2013.Jan.10, 12:05 AM
RE: 230 candies for sale
Post: #3
3 mill for the lot


2013.Jan.10, 12:11 AM
RE: 230 candies for sale
Post: #4
No bids, close thread thanks.

4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

Thread Closed