How many times has this happened to you ?
2012.Dec.30, 06:58 AM
How many times has this happened to you ?
Post: #1
Criminal Action
1. You walk down to a parking structure looking for an easy car to get in.
2. You find a sweet two-seater Z4 that has the top down.
3. After a couple of seconds fiddling with the wires under the steering wheel, you get it started up!
Result: You get the car to a contact in the shady part of town. The car isn't top-notch, but who cares, it is a sweet ride. The guy just wants cars. He pays you $666 to take the car off your hands.
2012.Dec.30, 01:45 PM
RE: How many times has this happened to you ?
Post: #2
often. i hit that in combat alot too

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.
2013.Jan.06, 09:20 AM
RE: How many times has this happened to you ?
Post: #3
Oh that's a triple 3 6's and he's a devil worshiper cause I'm to freaking ignorant to do some research

I'm the star of the group, so no one else gets the respect that they deserve cause of you