2012.Feb.04, 07:18 PM
Post: #1
HUNT3R hits henley33 for 347 damage. henley33 resists 47 for a total of 300 damage.
HUNT3R defeated henley33.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 310
Hospitalization Time : 50

He was in fair and I put him in for that long online hit aswel ???

Your mumma
2012.Feb.04, 07:37 PM
RE: Wtf
Post: #2
(2012.Feb.04 07:18 PM)jamiewhite Wrote:  HUNT3R hits henley33 for 347 damage. henley33 resists 47 for a total of 300 damage.
HUNT3R defeated henley33.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 310
Hospitalization Time : 50

He was in fair and I put him in for that long online hit aswel ???

Why wtf? I get random shitty times... all the time.

Doctor Kush ~ Forever Free up Monkhotep. ~ KUSH: Spreading the truth est. March 16, 2010. ~ BAN DREADWIND
2012.Feb.04, 11:06 PM
RE: Wtf
Post: #3
it wasnt a hosp, just a regular hit. pretty high hosp time for that

Wu tang
2012.Feb.05, 04:25 AM
RE: Wtf
Post: #4
Isnt a online hit reduced time ?

Your mumma
2012.Feb.08, 10:30 AM
RE: Wtf
Post: #5
nope. being online has no affect on the hosp time you get when attacked.

"I wasn't resisting arrest, I was resenting arrest."
Some people are like slinkies they are really good for nothing but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
2012.Feb.10, 11:43 AM
RE: Wtf
Post: #6
Hunter......welcome in DM

click here

He is back....