Is there something f-ed with the gang battle system?
2011.Dec.22, 05:38 PM
Is there something f-ed with the gang battle system?
Post: #1
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
JingleMyCaine Gang Win 13 10 3,269 1,403 734 850
MuthasBeenNaughty Gang Win 17 13 3,415 1,079 976 683
BuddyElf Gang Win 15 12 3,535 321 464 945
SANTAsSLEIGHER Gang Win 30 24 4,902 1,419 1,747 553

I only got 1 gp total from these 4 fights, and santasslaeigher beat me for 10 when i was just about healthy
This post was last modified: 2011.Dec.22 05:39 PM by shark24.
2011.Dec.22, 05:44 PM
RE: Is there something f-ed with the gang battle system?
Post: #2
maybe gcr does have some worth
2011.Dec.22, 06:58 PM
RE: Is there something f-ed with the gang battle system?
Post: #3
that must be it..never thought of that
2011.Dec.22, 07:51 PM
RE: Is there something f-ed with the gang battle system?
Post: #4
just a guess. gps are screwy. if you don't know your opponents natural stats and how they are balanced, it's hard to gauge what you should receive for a gang battle