The CLP wants YOU!
2007.Jun.18, 07:16 PM
The CLP wants YOU!
Post: #1
Tired of being repressed just because of your status as a cyborg member of society? Sick of being discriminated against just because your thought processes are binary? Human, but sympathize with the cyborgs and their current disposition? Then the Cyborg Liberation Party wants YOU! Show your support for your programmable friends by joining the CLP today!

Simply mail me ingame and add "Member of the CLP" to your gang description. Be a part of the movement that is sweeping the lands! Support your automaton allies!
2007.Jun.18, 07:25 PM
Post: #2
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice one there Geek. Very good intro. Makes me wish I was juiced up too. Smile Smile
2007.Jun.19, 01:58 PM
Post: #3
so is it an actual gang?
or just like an exclusive club?
will there be a treehouse?
so many questions!!!
2007.Jun.19, 03:03 PM
Post: #4
nobody cares about you cyborgs. Everybody knows a cyborg doesn't have feelings. Nice try though thegeek!
2007.Jun.19, 07:44 PM
Post: #5
Not a gang, not an alliance. Just a movement!!! CYBORG FREEDOM NOW!
2007.Jun.19, 07:51 PM
Post: #6
::rolls in with a 2 ton scrap metal magnet::
2007.Jun.19, 08:10 PM
Post: #7
2007.Jun.20, 07:30 AM
Post: #8
Stay tuned for a copy of the Cyborg Bill of Rights!