personal GYM
2007.Jun.16, 04:26 AM
personal GYM
Post: #1
how do i use the personal trainer in the gym, $5 per point..? is it realmoney or game money?
2007.Jun.16, 04:50 AM
Post: #2
lol game money and you have to have it on hand not in bank
2007.Jun.16, 07:12 AM
Post: #3
yes, i had it in my hand, i have $50, my energy was 0, and i click accuracy and novice $5, but nothing happened...
2007.Jun.16, 07:16 AM
Post: #4
You've got to have energy in order to train.

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2007.Jun.16, 07:16 AM
Post: #5
2007.Jun.16, 07:26 AM
Post: #6
i mean personal trainer not my own energy..?
2007.Jun.16, 07:53 AM
Post: #7
:roll: You use your own energy Personal trainer give you just small bonus .
I woudnt recomend using him so early beter gather money for beter houses and weapon
2007.Jun.16, 12:39 PM
Post: #8
I kinda like this n00b for some reason
2007.Jun.16, 01:27 PM
Post: #9
hehehe :shock: :roll: thanks for the adivice..^^