going back to when AL got hacked...
2011.Jun.22, 01:45 PM
going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #1
I decided to re-google "awakened lands hacked" and noticed it is high enough on google's search list that it offered auto complete on it.

and stumbled across this.... anyone think it is actually SG?


4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

2011.Jun.22, 02:22 PM
RE: going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #2
doubt it

Help CrunchyBlack Here!!!!

Smoke dis, smoke dat, smoke weed, smoke crack
Everybody gettin' high, high off they fuckin' sac
2011.Jun.22, 03:06 PM
RE: going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #3
he wasnt that smart

9:42 pm
New! WilliamR (aka Punisher) attacked you and lost.

3:07 am
New! Howl attacked you and lost.
8:53 pm Conrad attacked you and lost.
2011.Jun.23, 09:50 AM
RE: going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #4
It had to be SGs exwife........or her houseboy.

Obama's balls, your chin...............Suckers..........Duped again.
Benders face, my ass....................Sucker Dupe
2011.Jun.27, 12:29 PM
RE: going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #5
shadowgaurd couldnt hack up a lung!


Now crunchy on the other hand......

I smoke crack!
2011.Jun.27, 12:47 PM
RE: going back to when AL got hacked...
Post: #6
well, i liked actually liked SG. O.o

(2011.Jun.27 12:29 PM)Dingus Wrote:  Now crunchy on the other hand......

This post was last modified: 2011.Jun.27 12:47 PM by Pixelle.