make money
2007.May.24, 08:25 PM
make money
Post: #1
Does anyone know how to make money easily???
or a way on how to make money fast and lots of it, cuz crimes i dont get lots of money i have no luck in casinos...
2007.May.24, 08:30 PM
Post: #2


buy credits low sell high.

complex lab.

2007.May.24, 08:45 PM
Post: #3
what lvl you have to be to succeed well in complex lab
2007.May.24, 09:08 PM
Post: #4
lvl 7 Intel

::resists mean joke::
2007.May.24, 09:23 PM
Post: #5
were does it ssay your lvl it only says modifir natural and rating
2007.May.24, 10:14 PM
Post: #6
that would be 'natural' jim.
2007.May.25, 12:21 PM
Post: #7
well the only way to train that is by your job right and school
2007.May.25, 12:22 PM
Post: #8
Or buy credits off the market and use them in the donator house or.............

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
2007.May.25, 03:27 PM
Post: #9
Joining a gang is always a good start i did when i first played and got some help with housing and weapons!
2007.May.25, 06:53 PM
Post: #10
yeah i dont mean gang i mean by myself.
has anyone had any luck with gambling in this game.