I am apparently more accurate than 100% :)
2007.May.24, 01:40 PM
I am apparently more accurate than 100% :)
Post: #1
Opponents Punisher CASANOVA
Hits 7 4
Hits Percentage 116.7 % 66.7 %
Damaged Received 214 1,261
Damage Resisted 47 69
Actual Damage Taken 167 1,192
Best Hit 367 117

2007.May.24, 02:16 PM
Post: #2
Looks like you're pretty good. If you need to use any of my skills, I can do whatever you want.
2007.May.24, 02:32 PM
Post: #3
punisher, you arent over 100% accurate in anything. dont let god jesus or zenith fool you into thinking otherwise.
2007.May.24, 02:35 PM
Post: #4
lol.....I promise I did't alter that...I thought Z would like to know there might be a small bug...but I also want to say I love this feature...again lol btw quick...I could be Smile

2007.May.24, 04:10 PM
Post: #5
mehh, just be prepared for when i can absorb 166% of your attack dmg Biggrin it wont be long now..