The training blues....
2007.May.21, 04:31 PM
The training blues....
Post: #1
workin on resistance is so tedious!

i hope all the babes dig me after my hard gym time lol
2007.May.21, 04:37 PM
Post: #2
I've been on resitance for weeks. maybe if I walk down the street with an sign for a few days Lady Zen will give me a 2 level bonus.
2007.May.21, 04:57 PM
Post: #3
One or two more acc and dex levels and I'll start on that long road to 22 resistance.
2007.May.21, 05:12 PM
Post: #4
I hate going with attack stats first....res sucks...I've got the res blues too

2007.May.21, 10:29 PM
Post: #5
i had them but got over them Razz
2007.May.22, 05:14 PM
Post: #6
Why train resistance when you can simply buy 10 cybers of it?!?! lol
2007.May.22, 05:24 PM
Post: #7
dayute Wrote:One or two more acc and dex levels and I'll start on that long road to 22 resistance.

Man! it sure is a long road..
2007.May.22, 05:34 PM
Post: #8
after u train res u can still get the cyber then u will be that much more ahead
2007.May.22, 06:45 PM
Post: #9
cybers don't help you use secrets
2007.May.22, 06:50 PM
Post: #10
shhh that a secert