Userid: 2
Level: 18
AL Admins
- Replaced the amount of cash mugged back on the gang attack logs.
- Gang battle logs are now listed in gang-war summaries, with the appropriate gang point changes listed for each war.
- Switched the "attack at any condition" for gang battles to "attack at any condition better than critical" just to test things out.
- Fixed bug in gang battles where attacking and losing to a stronger opponent lost gang points. Now I understand why everyone was upset

- Added career ladders to the pantheon. Ranks are based on an efficiency score that takes into account career rank, hours worked, experience earned, points earned, times quit, and times fired.
- Preparing various pages for gang battle code implementation.
- Ares Gang FightLogger now only shows last 24 hours of fights to reduce lag.
- The new combat code is live, as of 10:15pm server time. While it was a lot of work behind the scenes, it's not going to much of a layout change.
- Fixed the bug where you'd be sent to the hospital or jail in a failed organized crime even though you were already in there from something else. Now your current hospital / jail status will not be changed.
- All new players get a donator day when they sign up.
- Every player also gets this donator day, which has been added to everyone's account for today's endurance day.
- Added "medic heal" link when a player is in the hospital and is currently employed as a medic with a rank of 6 or higher.
- Fixed bug that allowed players in the hospital to work hours for their job.
- The MobileCrime Journal has been added for donators. This shows a breakdown of all crimes attempted and how much cash was earned per month as well as per day. Logs go back to August 2006, so all crimes prior to this are not included in the log.
- Kicking gang members or leaving your gang now has a confirmation page.
- Balazar's gang has stolen a convoy of trucks with Dyneema Vests, AL203 Armor, SiC Armor, Ionized Axes, EM-2 Belts, SiC Helmets and more of the ever rare B4C armor. Check the Military Surplus Outlet, Guido the Fence, and Arcology Arts shops since there are limited quantities!
- Added 2 new gang options for gang points. From the gang member list on your gang's main page you can see all gang members' health, playing status, and actions you can take.
- Gangs can now heal hit points when a member is injured, break a member out of jail automatically, or stim out a member from the hospital. To be able to use this feature, a gang member must have access to the gang point usage permission group. Gang Point costs depend on the severity of the jail sentence, hospital stay, or injury condition.