(2010.Apr.04 05:23 PM)NiteSlayer Wrote: When you get a min I was wondering when we get our tags from the St. pats day contest.
As for tags, the following players get a tag for their efforts
Spacebird - Most Leprechauns Vanquished
Jackal - Most Leprechauns Vanquished with Buffs
GlenQuagmire - Most Leprechauns Vanquished in One Attack (39!)
BenderRodriguez - Most Leprechauns Faced in One Attack (105!)
Snoop - Most Clovers Found in One Fight (5)
NightSlayer - Most Clovers Found without Buffs (??)
Kazeshini - Most Leprechauns Vanquished without a Clover (286)
good post.  |
give her the bowling ball grip, two in the pink and one in the stink.
all cats are grey in the dark.