New Gang
2007.Mar.14, 10:13 PM
Post: #11
mudpies Wrote:I don't play online but one of my buddies just quit his job managing a restaurant owned by Kevin Garnett (a very nice place) to sit in his kitchen and play poker online. He never calls his friends anymore and probably hasn't put pants on for weeks. It's got to be almost as addictive as AL roulette!

psheehan78 Wrote:Sorry, that was my comment above. I guess at work mudpies is automatically logged in to the forums.
2007.Mar.14, 10:17 PM
Post: #12
i highly doubt he would quit his job for "The Big Ticket" or he is an idiot
2007.Mar.15, 01:40 AM
Post: #13
yea, live's much better. But online isn't bad- it's inifinitely harder to read a good player, because you can't go by body language, but it can still be done. You can still mix up your betting patterns to mess them up.

I used to play on jetset, then I went over to Been a while since I played on either though.
2007.Mar.15, 04:54 AM
Post: #14 you can play online poker for cash as well as the occasional bet
2007.Mar.15, 11:18 AM
Post: #15
yer i love poker, but most the time i bet loads, get my money high then do a runner lol. otherwise i end up loosing it all. lol
2007.Mar.15, 02:47 PM
Post: #16
UNCHeels Wrote:i highly doubt he would quit his job for "The Big Ticket" or he is an idiot

He may be an idiot but he claims to be making far more playing poker than managing the restaurant.

btw The Big Ticket is never there, he just co-owns the place.
2007.Mar.16, 09:39 PM
Post: #17
ppl send applications i wanna start a gang hurry